How do I request public records?
To request documents that are subject to public disclosure, please complete a Public Records Request For questions regarding public disclosure, please contact our administration office at (360) 318-9933.
How do I get rid of toxic waste?
visit the Whatcom County website to review how to get rid of toxic waste.
How do I request a ride a long?
To request a ride a-long , please review the ride-along program. Once reviewed, please complete a Ride-Along-Request and submit it to the training division (jahrenholz@nwfrs.com) for consideration.
Do you have a Notice of Privacy Practices?
Yes, provided here is the North Whatcom Fire and Rescue Notice of Privacy Practices.
How do I make a complaint or inform the fire district of a hazard?
We welcome your feedback! Please print and complete a Citizen Comment Form and mail or deliver to our office.
Can I have a fire on my property?
Click here to find out.
Can I reserve a community room at a fire station?
Two NWFR fire stations have a community room that is available for public use. A fee and cleaning deposit are generally charged, but sometimes the fee may be waived. Please read our Facility Use Agreement and Rules. For more information or to schedule a community room, please contact our administration office at (360) 318-9933.
Do you provide fire station tours?
We are happy to provide fire station tours. Sit in the driver’s seat of the engine, explore the inside of an ambulance, and meet a real-life firefighter. To schedule your tour, please call (360) 318-9933.
How do I set-up a key box at my location?
Click Here to find out.
How do I apply for a fireworks stand or display permit?
To request a permit for a stand or display inside the City of Blaine, contact the City of Blaine at (360) 332-8311. Outside the city, contact the Whatcom County Fire Marshal’s Office at (360) 380-8100.
Where do I get a reflective house marker?
Can your home be located in an emergency? Especially in rural areas, reflective markers can help emergency responders locate you. Click here for more information.
What is the current protection class for my area? (ISO rating)
City of Blaine WSRB ReRate Letter – March 2023
Whatcom County Fire Protection District #21 WSRB Rerate Letter
City of Blaine = Fire protection class #5 (city limits only and does not include Semiahmoo which is currently a 9)
Whatcom County Fire Protection District #4 = Fire protection class #6-9 (dependent in part on your location to an active 24/7 career fire station)